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Emotional Tracing™ - Proprietary Tools for Permanent Change

A different kind of interaction:

A coach sits on the sidelines telling you what to do.
A shrink talks a lot, sometimes for years, billing hourly rates that may yield little tangible results.
A hypnotist may try to “program” your mind so you act a certain way.

A Conduit™ is different. A Conduit™ is one who is trained to walk beside and participate with clients and guide them through understanding the past and providing real tools for all aspects of their being including emotional, spiritual, physical, logical, and subconscious.

Dictionary: Conduit – an agency or means of access, communication, etc. A Personal Conduit™ guides you to new understanding, personal discovery, and provides unique tools for you to accomplish real and permanent change.

A Conduit™ works right beside a client using tools such as:

  • Emotional Tracing™ – a proprietary process where a client’s emotions are traced along the path directly to the source issue and original thought forms and choices that were made years ago, yet are still influencing and controlling behaviors, events, and experiences today.
  • Programming Reconstruction™ – the client’s source issue caused Thought Form Programming to be created which continues to influence and control current behaviors. This Programming is thoroughly analyzed, reviewed, recognized, dismissed, adjusted or recreated to support the client’s current choices, goals, desired creations and behaviors.
  • Congruency Analysis™ – Any goal accomplished always has a foundation in complete congruency where what the person wants emotionally, spiritually, physically, logically, and subconsciously is all in harmony. Any goal that remains unaccomplished always contains elements of incongruency where some part of the person is in conflict with the goal. Congruency Analysis™ identifies these incongruencies and provides the foundation to achieve congruency.
  • Congruency Alignment™ – enables the client to adjust their goal and/or adjust their congruency at every level – emotionally, spiritually, physically, logically, and subconsciously to ensure successful accomplishment of the goal.
  • Body-Mind hyper-focused intelligence enhancement – teaching the client how to gain dramatically higher levels of cognition, intuition, understanding, and learning.
  • Self-Talk Analysis – most clients aren’t aware of the impact their self-talk has on their daily life, goals and creations. Adjusting a client’s self-talk is a powerful way to aid all of their changes.
  • Strategic Accountability™ – Strength, support, commitment, congruency, and results come from a client being accountable to their Personal Conduit™ for the changes they are making. Further, the experience of non-judgment and aided course correction builds confidence and “trains” the client to “stand on their own”.
  • Time Management – provides a foundation for choices to be made ahead of time, enhancing productivity, strengthening commitment, and reducing opportunity for failure.

And other tools

The experience is unlike anything you have ever had before. From your very first session you will KNOW and FEEL amazing results!

schedule_sSchedule a FREE 30 minute telephone conversation to learn how Emotional Tracing™ is different than anything you have ever experienced before.