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So Many Mistakes

So Many Mistakes

Emotional 4D image - tilt phone or slide mouse around image. "After so many mistakes, what direction shall I go?" Yet another day have I wrestled with this question. Past mistakes haunting me, I am determined to not make any more. I chose to fast today, to...
Behind Your SHOULDs

Behind Your SHOULDs

Sits Your Heart Follow That! Behind Your SHOULDs 4D image - tilt phone or slide mouse around image. Behind Your SHOULDs is Your Heart Follow That! It's true for you. It's even more true for your business! “SHOULD” are rules and expectations that others have caused us...
Universe Looks Back

Universe Looks Back

After looking at the Universe for a very long time, it is only recently that I discovered... The Universe is looking back at me. Is it a monster? An angry God, determined to judge me, find fault, and punish me? When things don't go my way, it's easy for me to blame...